Use "endanger|endangered|endangering|endangers" in a sentence

1. Smoking during pregnancy endangers your baby's life .

2. Harmful associations especially endanger youths.

3. The priest said he was endangering his immortal soul.

4. Such sights will endanger the child.

5. The Bontebok is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act

6. Why take risks that endanger your life?

7. The spontaneous combustion of coal seam endangers the safe production.

8. Development of the area would endanger wildlife.

9. The drift of the icebergs in the sea endangers the ships.

10. Affray, fighting in public in a way that endangers or alarms others.

11. We're not allowed to endanger the ETA members.

12. Such offences as his profoundly endanger public security.

13. 6 Development of the area would endanger wildlife.

14. Taking these drugs could seriously endanger your health.

15. Far from endangering their future, they were helping to ensure it.

16. Five endangered species have been recorded in the park, including the endangered spotted gum.

17. Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.

18. A person who needlessly delays getting baptized endangers his prospects for everlasting life.

19. Bad enough to endanger yourself, but to encourage Emmeline...

20. 11 Smoking during pregnancy can endanger your baby's health.

21. 5 The debate could endanger the proposed peace talks.

22. 4 Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.

23. 2 You will endanger your health if you smoke.

24. Calcium would endanger the health of patients with psoriasis.

25. Autocratic style of leadership may endanger the organisational efficiency.

26. Pandas are an endangered species.

27. It 's possibly endangering the lives of military personnel and civilians .

28. 13 Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.

29. 1 Taking these drugs could seriously endanger your health.

30. However, when Callie starts endangering Cody's friends, he shuts her down.

31. Many endangered species live here.

32. USFWS: Subspecies, Bontebok is Endangered

33. Abrupta)) Status: Endangered Pink Mucket

34. This syphilis could also endanger the life of your baby.

35. The chimpanzee is an endangered species.

36. It is classified as Endangered in the IUCN Red List.The Andean cat is classified as Critically Endangered in Bolivia, Endangered in Chile and Peru and Vulnerable in Argentina.

37. Penny-pinching at a time like this isn't just cruel; it endangers the nation's future.

38. 11. (a) What attitude might endanger our relationship with Jehovah?

39. It was foolish to endanger your life in that way.

40. One reason, then, to quit smoking is that smoking tobacco endangers health and life.

41. Her painting protects her, as magic does a sorceress, but it also endangers her.

42. Pollution is spoiling the quality of life and is even endangering it.

43. If they push for environmental protection, they endanger the economy.

44. Iris leptophylla is an endangered plant.

45. Many endangered species now face extinction.

46. [..] When a leader endangers the altars of land and crops, he shall be replaced by a different one.

47. Mammals are among the most endangered.

48. 14 Both countries claimed the proposals would not endanger whale populations.

49. 8 He denied possessing a rifle with intent to endanger life.

50. Vote for the Cutest Endangered Species

51. 8 Old people often try to economize on heating,( thus endangering their health.

52. Populations of endangered animals have been decimated.

53. The sea turtle is an endangered species .

54. Highway traffic also endangers life in another way, by producing fantastic volumes of air pollutants.

55. Americium isotopes are known to decay slowly, thus endangering both flora and fauna.

56. However, this has led high overfishing, eventually endangering the stability of the Anchovy …

57. 10 It was foolish to endanger your life in that way.

58. Becoming Anorexic is the goal, but not at the cost of endangering proper life

59. Synonyms for Adventuring include venturing, braving, risking, daring, imperilling, imperiling, jeopardising, jeopardizing, endangering and gambling

60. 10 Mountain gorillas are an endangered species.

61. Silt, washed from deep forestry ploughing, smothers plants, endangering insect life and therefore fish survival also.

62. The Bald eagle project was the first endangered species restoration project initiated by the Indiana Nongame & Endangered Wildlife Program

63. Avocets are rare and critically endangered bird species

64. The lizards are classed as an endangered species .

65. They establish safety without endangering the subjects, and thus should not be considered unethical.

66. Cytotoxic wastes, have the potential to severely endanger human health and wellness.

67. 18 They are accused of causing an explosion likely to endanger life.

68. 3 He would never do anything to endanger the lives of his children.

69. To not endangered would probably not meet here.

70. There were salamanders and orchids of endangered varieties.

71. Anoa is an endangered endemic species in Sulawesi

72. Jeju horses were once considered to be endangered.

73. The guar is an endangered Southeast Asian ungulate.

74. Alstonia trees are widespread and mostly not endangered.

75. The short circuit current of large load center that excesses the regulation standard seriously endangers security and stability of power grid.

76. Canebrakes are now considered a critically endangered ecosystem.


78. Since 2015, it has been classified as Endangered.

79. The fewer sent, the fewer would be endangered.

80. Another example is breeding endangered species in zoos.